Book Blurb:
When twenty-three-year-old Courtney Beckham is abducted near her home, the search turns up more than just a kidnapping crime. FBI agent Jason Edwards investigates the ten-million-dollar ransom and stumbles upon something he wasn't meant to find. When Courtney catches a glimpse of the caller ID in her kidnapper's home, what she sees turns her world upside down. Even if she escapes her captors, something much more dangerous lies ahead.
My take:
I fell under Rachelle's spell right away as I read Caller Id. I found every chance I could to read this book. It was fun, fast paced and cleverly plotted. The writing was solid and the character Arcs well developed.
I will admit that I was disappointed when I found out who the kidnapper was so soon into the story, and thought for a minute "well that stinks, now I know who the bad guy is".
But curiosity won out when I wondered how in the world would things play out when both I and the main character knew who was behind the kidnapping. And what would happen to Courtney now? How far would the kidnapper go to keep their secret underwraps? Little did I realize that Rachelle used this as a tease, to lull me into thinking I knew the ending.
Boy was I wrong!
Caller ID twists and turns and just when you think you know how it is going to end, you find out how very wrong you were. I was completely caught up in Courtney's world and found myself wondering what she would do next. I thought the emotional roller coaster she experienced really made you understand her so much better as she worked through being seen as just another pretty face when she puts strategy and determination and pure guts on the line to find safety in her world once again.
I loved how FBI agent Jason Edwards also plays an important roll in his investigation into Courtney's disappearance. He is willing to find out who she really is and uses that information to help him trust his gut feelings. When they meet up, sparks fly and sweet romance ensues that leaves you feeling warm all over.
I truly didn't want this story to end. Rachelle's writing is so clearly mapped, her words invoke vivid images in your mind that you find you don't want to stop reading. You are pulled deep into the dealings of drug lords and ruthless killers and find yourself unsure of how it will end as your heart races along with Courtney's. You feel like you know both Courtney and Jason.
I loved reading Caller Id. I know that anyone else who picks it up will feel the same way. The plotting, twists and turns, and unexpected surprises along the way that will have you biting your nails in anticipation are not to be missed.
I would highly recommend this book for ages 11 on up. This is a clean read full of great adventure. Don't miss out get your copy of Caller ID by clicking here or here. You can also visit Rachelle's websites and learn more about her and her other amazing books here and here.
Disclaimer: While at times I do recieve books to review, my opinion will always remain my own.